Okay ceritanya aku rindu macaroon hahahaha. Nampak tak betapa sedapnya macaroon di atas tu. dem yuuuuuuu .. bila nak pi KLCC lagi ni, aku nak beli macaroon shets.
K, cerita lainnya pulak. I'm 100% sure that I will fail this test omg. Aku pun tak tau le apa aku jawab untuk economy dengan agama dem it. Tajwid 30 markah kau tak berhagak sia. hahahahahha.
K, and one more thing. Aku rasa aku sukaaaaaaa diaaaaaaaaaa aa a aaa aaa a a a tapi entahlah huhuhu.. k nehmind I'm actually want to eat my dinner, at 2am omg lol. Since tomorrow I'm having IT test, so yeah. Lets eat to make myself feel better and make mah stomach feel MUCH better <3
Night guys, have a good dreams. cya lixos.
btw, 10 march was my birthday, thank you to them who wished me, best wish : "Happy birthday!! You're one year closer to death" yep, seem legit.