it's been a while, well of course, I'm quite busy these days. I mean for the past January and for February and ofc for next month too- March.
I had to decorate my class and I have my tuition classes every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And for Tuesday, I have volleyball training and have to go to the library since I'm a librarian. and for Wednesday, I have my 'kokurikulum' activities,. and again, on thursday, i have another volleyball training and yeah, so on until the competition day.
I've been busy lately and I don't even have much time to eat lunch nor dinner. breakfast? screw, I dont even take breakfast every morning. I JUST DONT HAVE THE TIME. Its limited. I cant go to where ever i want to go and I had to take the pain killer pill to reduce my pain after I'm training for volleyball.
and homeworks, oh my god. I just don't know how to.. I mean I just can't abandon my homeworks, So I do it at night or after my training hour. I want to cry as much as I want to quit school lol.
As for my love life, fuck it. I don't care anymore. Like my sister's said "please, you're seventeen, its normal if you feel love or you like someone" but for me, IDK. I just don't know whether its love or just my head messing with my feelings, if you know what I mean.
Well, literally I'm out, I need to eat dinner to survive my whole year. I'm counting days till my last day of school and my future will be fucked up and I will be extra more tired than I am these days. Goodnight, sleep tight everyone. I'm gonna miss this blog hihiks <3
Sometimes things you wanted will not ended up like you wanted it to be, So just let it go or strive for another goal!