"Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why." - Lana Del Rey.

farah 17.
forever imperfect.
Goodbye .
Sunday, 26 May 2013 | 09:17 | 0 letters


the heck je aku baru tahu jia dah pergi Pahang? omg, i'm gonna miss you.. yeah, tak sampai pun berbulan kenal dengan Mahal Entertainment tapi dah rasa macam lama kenal kot, ahh sedih nak pisah dengan kawan-kawan,.

Mohon jia buat yang terbaik time study kat university , do the best and be a successful person.. and for aimi, aida, wawa, dyan, matt, napi juga, goodluck korang! haish kenapo lah korang ni 18+ wakakaka, sedih je rasa :I

mohon korang jangan lupakan aku ye, peh pasni skype sepi ah korang takde, ammmmm!! takpo lah, ceq takleh nak halang, itu masa depan korang gak, wuuu *lap hingus* so lepas ni, kena fokus study! no more chatty chatting, diorang pun dah tak ada..

goodluck myself, and goodluck guys! , from me - foreveralone :)

Things end . People leave . And you know what? Life goes on. Beside, if the bad things didn't happen, how would you be able to feel the good ones?

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