"Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why." - Lana Del Rey.

farah 17.
forever imperfect.
Thursday 1 March 2012 | 12:40 | 0 letters

Assalammualaikum! Annyeong,

Baru habis edit blog. Template ni aku buat sendiri :3 Cuma guna basecode orang je :(.
Aku tak pandai buat skin dia ahhh sedih sedih. Btw, sejak akhir ni aku rasa macam nak mati je. LOL. tired sangat2 -,-' Post hari ni aku nak buat pendek pasai sat gi nak pergi sekolah dahhhh D: Byeee o/
P/S: i love you booo :D

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